Dog With A Custom-Made Lego Wheelchair Is The Best Thing Ever

Dog With A Custom-Made Lego Wheelchair Is The Best Thing Ever

Gracie is a one-year-old puppy who was left outside of a veterinary clinic as a baby. At the time she was found, Gracie was in horrible condition; she was covered in maggots with missing patches of fur as well as only having her back legs due to a birth defect. An animal rescue shortly took Gracie in, giving her an opportunity to find a new, loving home.

While Gracie could still function with only her two hind legs, help was brought in to minimize the risk of injuries. Specifically, amazingly creative help from a kindly 12-year-old volunteer named Dylan.

Dylan built Gracie a Lego wheelchair, which could grow and adapt to her size and needs. If that isn't the most creative idea I've heard in a while, I don't know what is.

A total of three Lego wheelchairs were made for Gracie as she rapidly grew.

Now that Gracie is fully grown, she was able to get a properly fitted wheelchair. Kudos for Dylan for having such a creative idea and I wish the best for Gracie and her family. <3

Would you be able to have a special needs pet? Let us know in the comments